Welcome to Thrifty Belleza!

1:04 AM

Hey everyone!

My name is Thalia Ortiz and I'm launching my new blog, Thrifty Belleza. As an Ecuadorian and Puerto Rican Latina, this blog will feature posts on everything from beauty and fashion to health topics that affect the Latina community.  As someone who had a previous blog, I noticed that there aren't enough voices out there that cater to issues pertaining Latinas, but with Thrifty Belleza I hope to change that. I've always been a firm believer that great style is not something that has to cost an arm and a leg. If you're penny pincher like myself, you'll find that there are awesome, affordable finds out there. This is what Thrifty Belleza is all about. In case you were wondering what belleza is, it means beauty in Spanish. Stay tuned for my upcoming posts, I have some pretty cool ideas up my sleeve :)


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  1. Hey thalia i read your post about big foreheads and i too went through the same ordeal but came to realize this is who i am and that i can't change but to embrace it and i think i look damn good with my forehead there's peep out there with worse problems then me and you,or movie stars that don't even have the problem me and you may face on the outside we think they or fabulous but they still have there insecurity about them selves so what I'm saying is that i look at you and you look BEAUTIFUL!don't let know one tell you diff
